Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1989 - Vol.16

Vol.16 No.06

Original Article(原著)

(0546 - 0551)


Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Intraabdominal Organ Movement Caused by Respiration in Cases of Intraabdominal Disease

颯田 哲哉1, 小島 宏1, 佐藤 健2, 永田 博2, 伊藤 洋一2

Tetsuya SATTA1, Hirosi KOJIMA1, Tsuyosi SATOU2, Hirosi NAGATA2, Youiti ITOU2

1名古屋大学第二外科, 2愛知県厚生連昭和病院

1Surgery 2, Nagoya University School of Medicine, 2Surgery, Showa Hospital

キーワード : Movement during respiration, Intraabdominal adhesion, Ultrasonography

We examined 71 patients with intraabdominal diseases using "The intraabdominal organ movement during respiration" (MR) method. Ultrasonographic diagnosis by this method reveals that main lesion movement from surrounding organs during respiration means there is no adhesion between the two, and main lesion movement with surrounding organs during respiration means there is adhesion between the two. After laparotomy, an evaluation of operative findings and the ultrasonographic diagnoses was performed. Accuracy 90.1% Sensitivity 88.3% Specificity 90.6%. This evaluation indicates a correlation between intraabdominal organ movement during respiration and intraabdominal adhesion. Diagnosis of intraabdominal adhesion, making use of the intraabdominal organ movement during respiration, has an advantage in the staging of malignancy, determining of the incision point, the follow-up treatment of the malignant disease and survey of the abdominal puncture point.