Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1979 - Vol.6

Vol.6 No.03

Case Report(症例報告)

(0179 - 0182)


A Study on the Contrast Echoes; In Regard to the Method with A Solution Containing Carbondioxide Microbubbles.

今井 康博1, 水谷 恵次1, 高橋 昭夫1, 加藤 忠之1, 奥村 健二1, 高井 正昭2

Yasuhiro IMAI1, Keiji MIZUTANI1, Akio TAKAHASHI1, Tadayuki KATO1, Kenji OKUMURA1, Masaaki TAKAI2

1国家公務員共済組合立名城病院循環器科, 2国家公務員共済組合立名城病院生理部

1Division of Cardiology, Meijo Hospital, 2Division of physiology, Meijo Hospital

キーワード : carbondioxide microbubbles, shaking the syringe, safety of contrast echocardiography

A new method of contrast echocardiography by using a solution containing microbubbles of carbondioxide was developed and clinical safety of this method was investigated by means of ammal (rabbit) experiments.
The solution used was made by following technique : About 5 ㎖ of carbondioxide was introduced into the syringe filled with about 15 ㎖ of 20% glucose. Then the syringe was shaken strongly for mixing and making microbubbles of carbondioxide in the solution. In clinical use, about 10 ml of the solution thus obtained was injected into the peripheral vein just after shaking.
By this method, very clear contrast echoes were observed in almost all cases and no side effects were revealed.